Not the usual Sunday bells…

A thoroughly enjoyable Sunday afternoon singing at Leith Hill Place prompted Leith Hill Timeline Choir member Hilary Hinks to uncover some hidden poetic talents and pen this little ditty, in part inspired by the unexpected (but rather lovely) first half of the concert, spent singing on the lawn outside while the fire alarm screeched indoors!

People came from far and wide,
Well, mostly from quite near,
A motley crew from Timeline Choir,
A singing for to hear.

All were seated patiently
Awaiting on the start,
What’s this I spy, it’s Margaret,
Crept in the room, oh so quie – art!

A Sunday in the Surrey Hills,
And Sussex Hils there too,
But before a note we sang, the fire bell rang,
Causing such a hullabaloo!

All outside into the sun,
And sitting on the grass,
Audience participation with some songs,
Helped the time to pass.

Finally we were back inside,
A false alarm it was,
Twice through we sang our programme,
Why? Well just Because!!!

TLC at LHP 27th August 2017

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